
Portrait of the writer

It’s Thursday! You lucky people get to read a very old pome! Enjoy!


The art of the writer
is a precious thing.
He writes for himself,
but others are served.

The heart of the blighter
wants the woman to cling.
He wants for himself
the other thinks “perve!”.

The part of the writer
is a constant thing.
It creates itself
barbers conserve.

The fart of the writer
has a wonderous sting.
He relieves himself
the room is unnerved.

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6 thoughts on “Portrait of the writer”

    1. I completely forgot about this… 😦 I may take this up, real soon now. I promise.

      Thanks for tagging me. I’ll have to 3 posts at once and schedule them because I don’t trust myself to write daily. I already failed the Ultimate Blog Challenge… 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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